SME Business Digitalisation
The favourable provisions for digital adoption set out in the 2020 Budget denotes the government is actively encouraging more local businesses to move rapidly into the technology sphere.
The Government will provide a 50% matching grant of up to RM5,000 per company for the subscription of the above services. This matching grant will be worth RM500 million over 5 years, limited to the first 100,000 SMEs applying to digitalise their business operation..
Get a Matching Grant up to RM5,000 now!
At OfficeCentral, we care about your business. Our goal is to make sure you are successful. Your success is our success!
Applicant Eligibility
Available to SME and Cooperative (“Koperasi”) registered under the relevant laws of Malaysia;
The SME is at least 60% owned by Malaysian;
The SME/Coop has been in operation for at least six (6) months; and
The SME/Coop has minimum average annual sales turnover of RM50,000.
Must not received previous Digitalization matching grants.
Requested Documents
Completed SME Digitalisation Initiative Application Form.
A copy of the Identification Card or Passport of Director (s) / Partner (s) / Proprietor(s) of the SME / applicant appointed by the Coop , whichever is applicable.
A copy of the SME’s business registration licenses (CCM or any similar forms under the Companies Act 2016). For Coop, a copy of SKM registration certificate.
Latest audited financial statements or latest financial management account statement or the bank statement for the latest two (2) months;
Quotation/invoice for the selected digitalisation services from the Service Provider listed by MDEC; and
Any other information and documents as and when required by the bank.
Strategic Collaboration Efforts
The government through Ministry of Finance (MOF) is working together with Bank Simpanan Nasional and Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) in managing the grant to eligible Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to adopt digitalisation in daily operations.
Get your Matching Grant up to RM 5,000 with SME Digitalisation Initiative. Contact us now!
Prepare All docs , Contact Ricky 011-1147375 or text , for further guideline. My side to clarify at 1st & pre.check ALL before submission