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Smiling Chef


Ojektif Pembiayaan Perniagaan Mikro 

  • Menyediakan bantuan pembiayaan untuk memperkasa perusahaan mikro di Malaysia, di samping memangkin pertumbuhan mereka.

  • Menyokong pembinaan kapasiti dan pengembangan pasaran perusahaan mikro

Image by Aurelien Romain

Kriteria Kelayakan

  • Mempunyai pengesahan sebagai perusahaan mikro dalam Sijil Akuan Status PMKS yang sah tempoh [Status PMKS] [Definisi PMKS

    • Perusahaan mikro yang berdaftar dengan SSM / Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan / Agensi / Badan Profesional

    • Sekurang-kurangnya 60% milikan tempatan

    • Mempunyai Lesen Premis Perniagaan yang sah daripada Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan

    • Telah beroperasi sekurang-kurangnya selama 24 bulan

  • Pemilik perniagaan yang berumur 55 tahun ke atas dikehendaki menyediakan penjamin tambahan yang akan menjadi pewaris kepada perniagaan


  • Terbuka kepada semua sektor ekonomi kecuali sektor berkaitan pertanian asas, kewangan, insurans, hartanah dan perdagangan sekuriti


Komponen Pembiayaan

  • Pembelian bahan mentah / stok / inventori / barangan boleh guna

    • Pembelian / penyewaan perkakasan & perisian IT (termasuk yuran pelesenan & langganan)

    • Pembelian / penyewaan mesin / peralatan kecil

    • Pengubahsuaian premis perniagaan termasuk pembelian lekapan & kelengkapan (fixtures & fittings)

  • Perbelanjaan Operasi (OPEX) seperti gaji, utiliti, sewaan dan lain-lain

Jumlah Pembiayaan


RM50,000 – RM200,000


Kadar Keuntungan


2.0% setahun


Tempoh Pembiayaan


Sehingga maksimum 5 tahun dan 6 bulan tempoh tangguh (grace period)


Margin Pembiayaan


​Sehingga 100% daripada jumlah kos (berdasarkan perbelanjaan yang layak)


micro Credit
Transformasi Scheme

Eye Openning Facts of MBF Loan

Micro, small, and micro businesses (MSMEs) constitute a dynamic and profitable part of Malaysia's expanding economy. The number of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Malaysia has grown dramatically over the years as more workers choose to work for themselves.

Micro SMEs, which are a subset of small SMEs, can grow in a number of sectors, most notably manufacturing, services (such as restaurants and hotels), primary agriculture, construction, mining, and quarrying.

Micro-entrepreneurs need many of the same abilities as their larger counterparts to succeed, regardless of the industry.

Malaysia's economy has changed significantly over the past few decades, moving from being dependent on the sale of raw goods like tin and rubber to aiming to become an industrialized country.

It's also important to remember that the bulk, or 78.5%, are micro SMEs, which play a big role in creating jobs and boosting the economy of our nation.


The difficulties micro SMEs confront

Even though they make up the majority of SMEs in Malaysia, micro firms are frequently seen as high-risk ventures.

Micro SMEs in Malaysia face a variety of problems, and the majority of them have faced comparable difficulties. These include, among other things, funding, information technology, human resources, managerial inefficiencies, bureaucracy, accessibility to the market, and competitiveness.

Having a business strategy is crucial as it aids in comprehending the present state of the market, possible rivals, patterns, and hazards. Business goals can then be imagined, and any difficulties might be noted.

Less than five full-time employees, including you as the owner, make up a micro business. Additionally, there is a shortage of trained workers as a result of the majority of them starting their microbusinesses remotely, which leads to management and technical inefficiencies.

It is indisputable that these difficulties are having an impact on Malaysia's microbusiness sector's development and contribution. In today's dynamic, globalized world, micro SMEs would likewise vanish if their competitiveness did not rise.

It is hard to run a firm without sufficient funds or funding. Funding is required to assist in financing the launch of your company, ongoing operating costs, and other costs.
This problem might be regarded as the main obstacle that micro SME owners must overcome. We are aware that not everyone is as fortunate as others, even though some people could have solid financial reserves and easy access to capital.

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